Want to hack passwords in Firefox?

Most of us use Firefox password manager to store our passwords. When we enter our user name and password in some website then Firefox gives us three options: “Remember me” ,” Never for this site” and “not now”. When we click “Remember Me” the current user name and password is stored in following two files:

For Firefox 3.0.x
  1. key3.db
  2. signons3.txt
For Firefox 3.5/6
  1. key3.db
  2. signons.sqlite
So when you want to view the  password stored in Firefox . It can be done in two ways:
1.  Click  Tools –> Options–> Select security Tab –> click on Saved Password –> click on Show Passwords
Now you can see all the saved passwords.
2. Firefox stores these two files in Firefox Profile directory.
You can find the Firefox default profile directory over here:
For Windows XP/20000
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default”
For Windows 7/vista:

Note:  xxxxxxxx represents a random string of 8 characters.
Then you can copy both the files in a usb drive or you can mail to your id.
After that you can copy  these two files in the Firefox Profile directory of your PC .
For Windows XP/20000:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default”
For Windows 7/vista:

Now navigate to Click  Tools –> Options–> Select security Tab –> Click on Saved Password –> click on Show Passwords
Voila!!!  Now you can view all the saved passwords.
Firefox Saved Password Dialog Box
Protection :

Click  Tools –> Options–> Select security Tab –>Click on check box of Use master Password
Enter a strong password. Click on ok and you are done.
Tip:  Strong Password should be collection of alphabets(Both upper case and lower case), symbols and numbers  because there are tools available on the web which can easily recover your weak master password.

For example when you  enter” www.facebook.com” on your browser,the Firefox will ask you for the master password , if you dont have master password then you will not able to login to facebook using password which you had saved earlier.
If  your profile is configured with a Master password, now if hacker copies both of your files in his Firefox profile as discussed above then too the  hacker will not able to access your account without the master password.
For more protection you can also change your default directory where  Firefox stores your profile, go to run and type firefox -profilemanager. Click on OK.
Firefox Hacking Run Image
Click on “Create Profile”, then click on “Next” , click on “Choose Folder” and change the path to a new location where you want to store the Firefox profile, click OK and then click on Finish.
Tip: Chose location other than C: drive ( or system drive ) because if you format your OS then all the data in system drive is lost but your Firefox profile will  not be lost.

It will also make tough for hacker to locate where you have stored your Firefox Profile and it will be also helpful for you to restore your profile after you have formatted your OS.
Refer this link How to back up your Firefox profile for more details.
Hope you enjoyed this post , please do comment……Happy hacking!!!!!


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